Tuesday, 15 September 2015

OBIEE Analysis Interview Questions


1.       What are the column properties?

Style, column format, data format, conditional format, interaction, write back


2.       What is the use of hide column option?

It is useful to hide unnecessary columns


3.       Can we sort month column as per calendar ascending order ?

Yes. By using the month code column we can sort as per calendar ascending order and we can hide the month code column if we don't want it in the report


4.       Can we format part of the column title?

Yes. in OBIEE 11G by using HTML tags we can do it

for ex:- cal year is the column name. we want to make only year bold we can make it as cal<B>year</B>


5.       What is suppress option?

It is useful to hide duplicate values in report


6.       What is data format?

It is useful to convert one format of data into another format

ex:- if we want convert the rupees into dollars or to any other currency we can do it.


7.       What is Conditional Formatting?

It is useful to format data based on some condition

ex:- if we want to divide the business based on sales then

dollars-->column properties-->conditional formatting

dollar's value is less than 100000-->select color as Red

dollar's value is between 100000, 200000-->select color as Yellow

dollar's value is greater than 200000-->select color as Green

we can see the data of dollar values with colors


8.       What is Interaction?

It is useful to apply action links, drill options on column headings and column values


9.       What is Write back?

In Reports of Answer you can give a column as updateable and then view the reports, this option is called write back.


10.   What is BIN?

Bins are useful to combine the values for the column into sets and also useful to group the data


  1. What is meant by Web Catalog?
    It is a container (or) folder structure which is useful to store reports, dashboards, KPIs, score cards, user profiles etc...

  1. Is there any other names for web catalog?
    yes. web catalog is also known as BI presentation catalog

  1. Which server manages the web catalog?
    web catalog is managed by Oracle BI Presentation Server

  1. What are the steps we have to follow while creating web catalog?
    In creating web catalog we have below steps
      1. Configure EM(Enterprise Manager)
      2. Restart oracle BI presentation server
      3. Confirm catalog in catalog folder

  1. Where can we find the catalog path in EM?
EM Core application deployment repository lock and edit configuration under BI Presentation Catalog we can find the whole path of the catalog

  1. What is the default location of the catalog?

  1. When we restart OBIPS from where it can read the catalog, how it works?
    Whenever we started oracle BI presentation server it will read instancecofig.xml file and it picks the catalog name from file and verifies it is available in catalog folder (or) not. If catalog is available with same name then it will load else it will create new one

  1. What is the log file for OBIPS and where can we find it?
    The Log File of Oracle BI Presentation server is THE MAXIMUM VERSION OF THE SAWLOG and it is available in below path <OBIEE_HOME>\instances\instance1\diagnostics\logs\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obips1

  1. Is there any folders contained by catalog, if yes what are they and where can we find it?
    Catalog contains three folders
    1. Shared folder or Public folder
    2. Users or My folders or personal folders
    3. System
      These three folders we can find in below location <OBIEE_HOME>\instances\instance1\bifoundation\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obips1\catalog\SampleAppLite\root  

  1. What is the purpose or use of shared, my folder, system  folders?
    Shared Folder:
    This folder is useful to share reports or dashboards or KPIs..etc to end users or business users
    we can't save any reports directly in shared folder, first we have to create a new folder under shared folder then save the reports or dashboards
    My Folder: 
    This folder is personal folder .it will be created for each and every user separately with the name of   user when ever first time he signed into analytics If a user save a report in this folder that cannot be  accessed by any other user . These folders are useful to save partially developed reports
   It is useful to store system level properties.
   This folder is not accessible from analytics page