Saturday, 26 April 2014

Request Variable

  1.    It is useful to override session variable values
  2.   The name of request variable must be same as session variable
  3.  Request variable we will define using dashboard prompt
  4. It is useful to send values from report to RPD

Exercise: Show general information for all users by bypassing data security

Step 1: Creating dashboard prompt and passing user input to request variable

  1.   Go to new à Dashboard prompt à select subject area as supplier sales DM
  2.     Click on New à Column Prompt àExpand customers à select region à select set        a variable as request variable and name it as V_USER_REGION à Click on ok 
  3.          Click on save à name it as RV_PROMPT

Step 2: Creating a report

 Develop a report with below columns from subject area supplier sales à Click on save à name it as RV_General_info_Report

        Step 3: Develop a dashboard and integrate as shown below and login as Zen user and observe output