Friday, 20 May 2016

Dashboard Objects

Dashboard Objects:
1. Why we are using Dashboard objects and how many Dashboard objects are there in OBIEE?
 A) Dashboard objects are useful to organize reports, KPI, Score Cards or dashboard prompts.
 2) We have below dashboard objects.
  1. Column.
  2. Section.
  3. Link or image.
  4. Embedded Content.
  5. Text.
  6. Folder.
  7. Alert section (New in 11G)
  8. Action link (New in 11G)
  9. Action link menu (New in 11G)
  Note: Action link menu is called   GUIDED NAVIGATION in 10g.
2.  What is called column object in Dashboard object?
a. Column is a biggest object in dashboard page.
b. It is useful to organize reports vertically or horizontally with in dashboard page.
c. With Column Object we will get Collapse or expand button.
3.  What is called Section object in Dashboard object?
a. Section is a biggest object in column.
b. It is useful to organize reports vertically or horizontally within the column.
c. We can provide permissions at section level.
4. What is called Link or Image object in Dashboard object?
 Link or image:
1) It is useful to navigate from
        a. One Dashboard to another dashboard.
        b. One Dashboard to another report.
        c. One Dashboard to another web page.
5. What is called embedded content object in Dashboard object?
Embedded content:
        a. It is useful to insert one webpage into another webpage.
        b. It is useful to get latest information from any website to dashboard.
1) Drag and drop embedded content dashboard object into work area then click on embedded content properties.
2) Type http://localhost:7001/console/login/loginform.jsp.
3) Click ok then save and Run.
6. What is called Text object in Dashboard object?
1 ) It is useful to provide some comment lines in dashboard.
2) It also accepts scripts (Java script) and Scripts are useful to get some extra functionality in Dashboards.
a.Drag and drop text object into dashboard then type welcome to RR ITEC (Information Technology Education Center) then click on preview and ok.
7. What is called Folder object in Dashboard object?
        a. It is useful to present saved content in a dashboard.
        b. It is useful to business users to access reports & dashboards easily.
8. How many ways are there to hide or to show sections in Dashboard objects?
 A) There are 2 ways:
a. Hiding or showing sections based on permissions.
  b. We can show or hide sections based on condition.
Scenario 1: Hiding or showing sections based on permissions.
Step 1: Create user RRITECDB.
Step 2: Providing permissions on user RRITECDB in such a way R1 Section is hided.
1. Edit Dashboard RRITEC DASHBOARD by click on R1 Corresponding section properties then click on permissions then search and select the user by provide deny permissions then ok  then click on ok then save it.
2. Logout and login as RRITECDB user then click on RRITEC DASHBOARD observe that R1 report is not available.
Scenario 2: We can show or hide sections based on condition.
a. Example:  If one particular report contains at least one record then only show the section.
b. IN 10G we will do this functionality by using GUIDED NAVIGATION.
Step 1: Develop a negative business report with columns customer name, salesrep, region, district, dollars then put filter on dollars as less than zero.
Step 2: Integrating in dashboard Create a dashboard then Drag and drop above report into work area.
Step 3: Implementing conditional hiding Click on section properties then condition then select Analysis then click on browse then select above report then click on ok then test the results by running dashboard.

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