Thursday 1 May 2014


Exercise 2: Converting given Phone Number in to smart phone format
Step1: Creating Flat File and reverse engineer into Source Flat File Model

  1. Develop a flat file as shown and save as PHONE.txt
  1. Reverse engineer into source flat file model
  1. Change Phone column data type number to string

  2. Step2: Creating Target table and reverse engineer into Target Model
  1. Develop a target  table as shown below
  1. Reverse engineer into target model
Step3: Creating project level user function
  1. Under RRITEC_PROJECT right click user functions à new user function
  2. Provide name ,group and syntax as shown below

  1. Click on implementations tab àClick on  
    àprovide below formula and select technology
'(' || SUBSTR($(PHONE),1,3)||') - ' ||SUBSTR($(PHONE),4,3) || '-' ||

  1. Click on save and close
Step4: using user function in interface

  1. Create a mapping with the name of m_ PHONE_FORMAT
  2. Drag and drop phone  source table from RRITEC_FILE_MODEL
  3. Drag and drop  RR_PHONE_FORMAT target table from RRITEC_TARGET_MODEL
  4. Connect Ename of source  to ENAME of target
  5. Select target phone column and call user function PHONEFORMAT
  6. Select proper LKM and IKM
  7. Save >>> run 

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