Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Testing / Validating Repository

Handson04:Testing / Validating Repository

  1. What is global consistency check
    1. Consistency check is one of the processes to check whether a repository is yielding proper results in Answer reports. It checks whether;
      1. All logical columns are mapped correctly to physical columns.
      2. All logical dimension tables have a logical key.
      3. Are there at least two logical tables in the business model (one is a logical fact table and the other is logical dimension table with join condition).
      4. There are no circular logical join relationships.
      5. A presentation catalog exists for the business model.
  2. How many messages are there in consistency check manager?
    1. Upto OBIEE version There are 3 messages in consistency check manager such as
      1.  Errors
      2. Warnings
      3. Best Practices 
    2. In OBIEE version onwards There are 3 messages in consistency check manager such as
      1. Errors
      2. Warnings
  3. In OBIEE how many servers are there
    1. In OBIEE 11G we have 6 servers
      1. Oracle BI Server
      2. Oracle BI Presentation server
      3. Oracle BI Java host server
      4. Oracle Oracle BI Scheduler server
      5. Oracle BI Cluster controller server
      6.  Web logic Server (newly added in OBIEE11G)
  4. What is OPMNCTL and how many servers are integrated in it.
    1. The Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server Control 
      1. Oracle BI Server
      2. Oracle BI Presentation server
      3. Oracle BI Java host server
      4. Oracle Oracle BI Scheduler server
      5. Oracle BI Cluster controller server
  5. NQSCONFIG.INI and NQSERVER.log files are corresponding to which server.
    1. OBI server
  6. Can we load multiple RPDs in Oracle BI server
    1. No, we can’t
  7. Can we upload RPD without using EM?
    1. We can’t
  8. How many log levels are available
    1. Totally 8 levels (0 to 7)
  9. What are the log levels in development , test and production, you used in your project.
    1. In Development  and Test we will use log level as 2
    2. In production we will use log level 0
  10. All query logs will be stored in which file and what is that file physical path
    1. NQQUERY.log file 
    2. C:\OBIEE_OBIEE\instances\instance1\diagnostics\logs\OracleBIServerComponent\coreapplication_obis1
  11. In log level 1 can we see physical SQL query.
    1. No, we can not see the physical SQL query it shows logical SQL query.
    2. If you set logging level as 2 then it gives all log information of level 1 along with physical SQL query
  12. Global consistency check is not throwing any errors, then can we assume RPD is correct
    1. Syntax wise it is correct .Business rules wise we may have some mistake 1.

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