Monday 7 July 2014

Loading Flat File to Table in ODI 11g

Loading Flat File to Table in ODI 11g

Step1: Creating Flat File

  1. Navigate to folder C:\OBIEE_HOME\Oracle_ODI1\oracledi\RRITEC
  2. Create a text file as shown → name it as emp → save → close

Step 2: Creating File data server and physical schema
  1. Open ODI 11g Studio
  2. Go to topology tab
  3. Right click on file technology
  4. Click on new data server → provide below information
  5. Click on JDBC → provide below information
  6. Click on save
  7. Right Click on RRITEC_FLATFILES data server → click on new physical schema → provide as shown
  8. Click on save → click on ok
Step 3: Creating Logical schema and mapping to context
  1. Expand logical architecture → right click on file technology → click on new logical schema → give name and map to context  → save
Step 4: Creating Model
  1. Goto designer navigator → under the models section → right click on RRITEC model Folder  → Click on new Model → Provide as shown
  2. save → Close
  3. Right clcik on above model → clik on new data store → in definition tab  
  4. Click on files tab
  5. Click on columns tab
  6. save → close

  1. Connect to your target schema( ex : B10711GTDBU)
  2. Execute below script
  3. Reverse engineer this into target model
Step 6: Creating interface

  1. Expand projects → expand RRITEC folder → Right click on interface → new interface
  2. name it as m_flatfile_to_table
  3. Click on mapping tab
  4. Drag and drop source and target
  5. Make sure automatic source to mapping created and select the workspace as staging area
  6. Select flow tab → select source → select LKM as LKM FILE TO SQL
  7. Select target → select IKM as IKM SQL CONTROL APPEND
  8. select the option FLOW_CONTROL = FALSE
  9. save → run
  10. Observe output
Step 6: Add filter to above interface

  1. Duplicate above interface and rename as m_flatfile_to_table_filter
  2. click on mapping tab → from source drag and drop Deptno column in to empty work area
  3. select the filter object → provide below condition
  4. Click on flow tab
  5. select target → select truncate option as true
  6. save → run → observe output

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