Friday 4 July 2014

ODI 11G Expression Interface

Step 1 : Creating Interface

  1. Expend project ==>>Right Click on Interface ==>>Click on new ==> Name it as m_ODS_EMPLOYEE
  2. Click on mapping tab
  3. Drag drop employee table from source model
  4. Drag drop ods_employee table into target area ==>> click on automatic mapping
  5. Select name column of ODS_EMPLOYEE table
  6. in properties window==>> under the implementation
  7. type the formula
  1. Click on ok
  2. Click on flow tab
  3. select the target ==>> select IKM as IKM SQL Control APPEND
Note : if IKM drop down is empty then we need to import IKM by right cliking on IKM folder of project ==>>click on import knowledge modules ==>>provide the path as C:\OBIEE_HOME\Oracle_ODI1\oracledi\xml-reference ==>> select IKM SQL CONTROL APPEND ==>>click on ok ==>>click on Close
  1. under the IKM selector options ==> select flow_control =False
  2. Click on save
  3. Click on run
  4. go to operator navigator ==> observe the interface run log
  5. Right click on target table ODS_EMPLOYEE in mapping tab of interface ==>> clcik on view data ==>> notice that all 26 records loaded into target table

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