Friday, 22 November 2013


                                      0.8 LEVAL BASED MEASURES
                       1. If a measure column is calculated on one particular level then
                           it is called as level based measure.
                       2. Level based measures are useful to calculate share or percentages.

               Step 1: Creating Level Based Measure

                       1. Open RPD in online mode ->right click on sales fact tables ->new object
                            ->logical column ->total revenue ->column source ->select derived from
                            existing column using expression

                          click on edit expression -> double click
                          on dollars column -> click on ok -> again ok -> drag and drop total revenue
                          onto customer dimension -> customer total level -> drag and drop total
                          revenue into presentation table .


     Step 2: Understanding or testing Level Based Measure

                       1. Go to reporting end and develop a report with region ,dollars , total revenue.
                       2. Click on results. Notice that total revenue and dollars column displaying same
                            value for all the rows that mean it is calculating at the level of total customers.

               Step 3: Using Level Based Measure in Share Calculations 
                      1. Right click on sales fact table -> New object -> logical column -> name it as
                          share -> click on column source tab -> select derived from existing column
                          using an expression -> Edit expression -> double click on dollars column ->
                          double click on (/) divided by -> double click on total revenue * 100 -> click
                           on ok -> again ok.
                     2. Drag and drop share into sales presentation table -> check in changes.

               Step 4: Testing
                        1. Reload server metadata. In above report (developed in step2 ) add one more
                            column share -> observe the result.


  1. hello sir.., in how many ways(methods) we can calculate level based measures in 11g

  2. can we create a new column for levelbased metrix in answers??

  3. is level based metrix and levalbased measures both are one and same??

  4. hello to display from current date to back 3 years of data .how many ways r thr.?
