Thursday, 28 November 2013


                                   ORACLE BI FOR MS OFFICE

            Key features of Oracle Business Intelligence for Microsoft PowerPoint:
                  1. View live, refreshable data from the Oracle Business Intelligence Server.
                      a. Insert BI tables, pivot tables and graphs into PowerPoint or Excel as
                         refreshable, editable objects.

                    b. Apply PowerPoint or excel formatting to BI data; formats are retained
                       when you refresh.

              2. Copy and paste BI analyses from Oracle BI Answers or Oracle BI Interactive
                   Dashboards to PowerPoint or excel . The data, metadata, and view layout are

            3. Secure BI Data from Oracle BI objects in PowerPoint or excel so that users must
                  log in to view the data. Secured objects can be refreshed.


            1. login to Analytics
            2. Under Get Started -> Click on Download BI Desktop Tools ->Click on Oracle
                   BI for MS Office

            3. Click on Run the executable that you have downloaded and follow the wizard to
                 complete the installation


         1. Open Microsoft Power point or Microsoft Excel
        2. In the Menu bar click on OracleBIàPreference
        3. In Preferences window àselect Connections tabàselect New
       4. In the New Connection window, fill the following fields
              Server Name: Give any name (e.g. RRITEC)
            BI Office Server: Enter the URL for the BI Office Server (e.g. RRITEC). You can
            enter “localhost” if the BI Office Server is installed on your local machine.
             Application Name: bioffice (deault)
             Port: 7001

      5. Click on Test connection. It should show the following screen, if not check the
           connection details and correct them.

Note: This does not test the connection between the BI Office Server and
Presentation Services.

        6. Click on Oracle BI MenuàClick Login to login to Presentation Services using
            the appropriate username(weblogic) and password(RRitec123)

       7. You will get the error “Login failed. Please check the username, password
               and Oracle BI Office server availability” It is because in the bioffice.xml
           p\_WL_user\bioffice_11.1.1\hsq62b\war\WEB-INF\) SawBaseURL is pointing to
                9704 port. Change it to 7001 and then save the file. Restart the all services from
                EM (http://rritec:7001/em) and try login again, it should work.
     8. Once you are logged in, you will see the BI Catalog on the right pane of Microsoft
           Power point.


  1. what is oracle BI mapviewer??
    what is map builder?
    what is the work aroud of the mapviewer and map builder??

  2. work around of "act as" in answers??

  3. How to hide dynamically a part of the dashboard?
    How to pass repository/session variable as by default value in dashboard prompts?
    What is descripitor ID column and how it is related to dashboard prompt?
    Can you seed cache using agents?
    Can you purge cache using agent?
    Can you run a server script using agent?
    What is aggregate persistency wizard?

  4. OBIEE 11g Advanced SOA Spatial??

    What if my Subject Areas contain Lat/Long co-ordinates?

    NAVTEQ maps
    3. If you have more than 3 repository files mentioned in your NQSConfig.ini file as default, which one gets loaded to the memory when the BI Server is started?
    Star = SamplerRepository1.rpd, DEFAULT;
    Star = SamplerRepository2.rpd, DEFAULT;
    Star = SamplerRepository3.rpd, DEFAULT;

  5. what is water fall chart configuration in OBIEE 11g??
