Wednesday, 18 May 2016


1.what is Deployment or migration?
A)Copying RPD or web catalog from one environment to another environment is called as deployment.
2.What are Deployment Components?
A)Two Deployment Components.Those are
2)Web Catlog.
3.How many steps RPD Deployment?
A)Seven steps of RPD Deployment those are.
1) Tack backup of RPD from source and target environments
2) Stop target environment oracle BI server
3) Copy RPD from source repository folder and paste in target repository folder
4) Configure EM by pointing to new RPD
5) Start target environment oracle BI server
6) Reload Server meta data from Analytics web page.
7) Change Connection Pool Database name ,username and passwords .
Note : to access dev server box to test server box ,in dev server go to run type
\\<Test Server name>\C$
4.How many steps WEB Catalog Deployment
A)Two steps of web catalog deployment those are.
 1) First time deployment   
i. type: online.
ii. URL: http://localhost:7001/analysis/saw.dll?
iii. UN: web logic
iv. Password: RRitec123
v. Similarly open another instance of catalog manager in online mode.
vi. Copy & paste.
 2) Second time on wards deployment
          i.      Backup of source and target catalog
     ii.            Use catalog manager to deploy partially
5.What is catalog manager?
A)It is a window based client using catalog manager we can deploy web catalog
6.What are advantages of catalog manager?
1. Deployment as per above.
2. Back up of web catalog.
3. Permissions.
4. Web catalog documentation

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