Wednesday 18 May 2016

Action Links

Action links:
1.What is the use of ACTION LINKS?
1.Another OBI report/Dashboard.
2.Any webpage.
3.EBS system.
4.Web service.
5.Java method.
6.Browser script.
7.HTTP request.
2.What is the difference between drill through and drill across?
A) Drill through is when navigating from one report to another report
Drill across is when navigating from one level of one hierarchy to another level in another hierarchy.
3.Can we create ‘n’ no of child reports and link them to master report via action link?
A)Yes,we can link ‘n’ no of child reports and link them to master report via action link.
4.Can we reuse a action link?
A)Yes,we can resuse a action link in many reports with the help of reusable action link.
Key Performance Indicator:
1.How KPI’s are defined?
A)KPI’s are defined using analytics webpage.
2.What are the requirements for a KPI?
A) KPI'S requires measures like actual and targets and also it requires THRESHOLD CONDITIONS to define good or bad performance.
3.Can KPI be dimensionalized?
A)Yes,KPI can be dimensionalized.
For eg:
1.Time wise KPI.
2.Product wise KPI.
3.Customer wise KPI.
4.What is a KPI watch list?
A)It allow user to gather KPI’s for monitoring.
Can include multiple copies of same KPI with different pinning.
Point of view can be altered to analyze via dimensions.
actions can be created.
KPI’s can be launched as analysis,comments can be added.
5.What is a score card?
A)These are useful to organize KPI’s into hierarchy or strategies.

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