Friday, 20 May 2016

Dashboard Prompts

Dashboard Prompts:
1. What is a dashboard prompt?
A) Dashboard prompts are useful to filter data as for client requirement.
2. How many types of prompts are there in OBIEE?
A) There are four types of prompts available in OBIEE. They are:
1. Column Prompt.
2. Image Prompt.
3. Variable Prompt.
4. Currency Prompt.
3. What is a column prompt?
A) If we apply filter condition on any column in criteria then that kind of prompt is called as column prompt.
4. What is Image prompt?
A) If we are able to apply filtering conditions by moving cursor on the image then it is nothing but setting up of image prompt.
a.Image prompt is very user friendly prompt.
5. What is variable prompt?
A) It is useful to store user response in one variable and we can call this variable in any calculations, filters, views(Title, narrative, Ticker..etc)
a.This variable is called as presentation variable.
b.It is new in OBIEE11G.

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