Friday, 20 May 2016

Usage Tracking

Usage Tracking:
1. Why would we go for usage tracking in OBIEE11G?
A) Business wants to know the top 'N' users using application.
2. Business wants to submit application usage to federal or local govt.
3. Admin or development team want to know the top 'N' reports taking longer time
4. By default user logs will be created in NQ query log file.
5. If we want insert these logs into a DB table then we need to go for usage tracking.
6. Once data is loaded into usage tracking table (S_NQ_ACCT) then we can develop usage friendly report.
*******7.Collects usage statistics on each logical Query submitted to the server********
2. What is a usage tracking table?
A) At the time of installation usage tracking table is created in DEV_BIPLATFORM to track the usage of the users.
3. What parameters must be enabled to set usage tracking on in OBIEE11G?
A) Usage tracking enabled—True.
b. Connection pool—Provide respective names and click on apply.
c. Physical Table Name—Provide the value and click on apply.

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