Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Building Views

Building Views:
1) How many views are there in OBIEE 11g?
A) Mainly there are 22.
2) How can we integrate the views?
A) In compound layout.
3) What are default views?
A) Title and table.
a. Name of the report and logo of the event can be displayed in title.
4) What are the newly added features of table in OBIEE 11G?
A) Table prompts, sections, excluded.
a. We can calculate subtotal, grand total, alternate row colors, maximum number of rows per page.
1. In the options that are newly introduced are
a. Fixed header with scrolling content.
b. Include rows with only null values.
5) Which provides the opportunity to rotate rows, columns and section headings to provide different perspective of the same data?
A) Pivot table.
6) How many parts are available in pivot table and what are they?
A) Six parts are available and they are:
1. Pivot table prompt.
2. Sections.
3. Excluded.
4. Rows.
5. Columns.
6. Measures.
a. 3D format of data is called as pivot table.
b. Duplicate layer can be added in pivot table.
7) What is a Graph?
A) GRAPH is used to understand by any language and illiterate people.
8) How can we compare one dimension with one measure?
A) With the help of gauge chart and it is nothing but speedometer.
9) How can we compare one dimension with two measures?
A) Funnel chart.
a. The two measures should be like actual vs target.
10) Criteria filter conditions can be captured automatically with the help of?
A) Filter.
11) What are selection steps in OBIEE?
A) Selection steps is useful to do row-wise calculations.
a. We can also create filter conditions by using this Selection steps.
b. It is a new feature in OBIEE11.1.1.6.
12) What view is useful to select the columns dynamically?
A) Column selector.
a. It affects all the views in the compound layout.
13) What view is useful to select the views dynamically?
A) View selector.
a. It is useful to integrate the other views.
14) Which view is useful to decode the color coding?
A) Legend.
15) Which view is required to design the paragraph reports?
A) Narrative.
EX: To capture the data refresh date automatically.
16) Which view is used to scroll information in the report?
A) Ticker.
17) Which view is helpful to provide comments in the report?
A) Static Text.
18) What is meant by Logical sql in OBIEE?
A) It is only for sql developer, business user cannot control the logical sql.
19) What is ‘No result’ view in OBIEE?
A) It is useful to display some custom message when ever report failed to show a result.

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